Like you, I’m an animal lover. Growing up on a farm, I spent a lot of time working with, and learning from, animals.

I graduated from grooming school with honours in 2000, and have expertise in kennel management and small animal nutrition.

While I gained valuable experience and honed my skills working in a busy grooming salon, I also saw the negative side of the business: dogs being punched or falling off the table because they weren’t properly restrained. With animals being stuck in cages for hours, barking and whining, the anxiety level in the salon was very high. It’s no wonder that dogs and cats develop a fear of grooming – if you experienced that kind of anxiety with your hair stylist, you would probably never get a hair cut again!

So I decided to set up my own salon. My focus, first and foremost, is on  creating a calm, relaxing environment for your pet. Stay and watch me work, and you’ll see for yourself how calm your pet can be during a groom. If your groomer won’t allow you to watch, that’s a red flag, for sure!

I’ll help your animal overcome any anxieties they have so the grooming experience will be a pleasant one. I’m proud to say that not only are my clients happy with my service, but more importantly, so are their pets!


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